Saturday, June 28, 2014

I saw light...

I saw light
through the webs
and glass
and dust.
Past the shadows,
I saw the sun.
Oh me, who is never myself,
I saw light.

The vision pulled
my eyes to the sky;
It scattered my body
into broken color.
Through a window,
I emerged...
as naturally
as the stars shine
in the moonless night.

I saw my reflection
when I gazed at the sky;
I saw
not the dark
but the day
before my eyes.
And I felt you.

Oh me, who is made of light,
I felt you pull me near.
From the deepest shadow
to the zenith of my being,
your presence pervaded.
In revels of color and creation,
the universe blossomed.
And I found you,
Oh you, who is made of stardust.

Monday, June 23, 2014


This blog is where I will attempt to give form to the shapeless thoughts that permeate my being. I am doing so publicly, because I refuse to be ashamed of the experiences that characterize my existence.